We the community of Trinity United Church of Christ, Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, as a people of faith and followers of Jesus Christ, who invited all people to his table and to care for God's creations, know that different or alike, we are all God’s people. Our God calls us to love one another as God loves us. So, seeking to live in the light and image of God in Christ, we declare ourselves to be an OPEN and AFFIRMING, ALL-INCLUSIVE church.
OPEN in that we welcome and accept all into our fellowship those of every race, age, nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and or expression, family structure, marital status, political affiliation, economic status, faith history, life experiences, physical, mental and emotional ability into full participation, membership and leadership in our faith community.
AFFIRMING that we oppose any intimidation, harassment, neglect of, or violence against any group in society, with special attention to those who have been victims because of their race, age, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, economic circumstance, physical ability, or mental condition. We advocate for the basic rights of all persons in such areas as education, employment, housing, and legal protection.
ALL-INCLUSIVE in that we commit to having a safe space and spiritual sanctuary for all people. We strive to have our building and events accessible to all. Being fully welcome in our community here at Trinity United Church of Christ means that our congregation will always seek to affirm the person that you are with loving hearts and open minds. We continue to honor the principle that discrimination is incompatible with Christ's Gospel of unconditional love. Know that all are welcomed and able to join and participate in our amazing, welcoming, fellowship of faith.